About the Programme:
It’s PCOS Awareness Month this September!
Did you know? Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) affects 1-in-10 Women across the world. It is important to know more about this silent syndrome and how women can take control of their health as well as their well-being.
How would you know if you have PCOS? What to look out for? What steps to take?
Join us for this talk and hear from our experts. Get some tips on healthy living to optimise health, beauty and wellness as well as maintaining healthy skin and hair!
Do you have questions about it? Feel free to indicate them in the form and have them addressed by our special speakers!
Special Speakers:
Fees: Fully subsidised for eligible participants.
Participant Eligibility: Open to Indian women aged 16 and above, who are Singaporeans or Permanent Residents
Enquiries: Ms Harshini | T: 1800 295 3333 | E: queries@sinda.org.sg