Ayurveda Association of Singapore (AAOS)
Company:Ayurveda Association of Singapore (AAOS)
Business Type:Not for Profit Group
Phone (General):+65 8014 1398
Key Executives:

Vasanthi Pillay, President

Michael Tan, Vice President

Ching Hon Siong, Treasurer

General Enquiries : info@aaos.org.sg
Profile :

Ayurveda Association of Singapore (AAOS) is a not for profit organisation that was founded in 2009 by a group of active and committed Ayurvedic professionals and enthusiasts and we advocate wellness through holistic diet and lifestyle. AAOS aims to promote the awareness of Ayurveda as an evidence-based science as well as to ensure that the authenticity of this knowledge is preserved in the pursuit of globalising this ancient healing system. Our aim is to equip you with the fundamental knowledge so that you can make the right choice of diet and lifestyle for your families and friends.


We educate the general public, companies, government agencies, medical and healthcare workers, and aspiring Ayurveda professionals on authentic Ayurveda and Yoga both in and outside of Singapore.


AAOS is an association registered and regulated by the Society’s Act of Singapore. (Registration No: T09SS0026F ).



  • Providing workshops and talks on ayurveda and yoga
  • Providing training in ayurveda and yoga
  • providing certificate programs in ayurveda and yoga
  • training people in holistic diet and lifestyle

Services :