Gnani Arts Pte Ltd
Company:Gnani Arts Pte Ltd
Business Type:Art Gallery
Phone (General):+65 8903 9231
Key Executives:

P. Gnana (Co-founder and Managing Director)
Vidhya Gouresan Nair (Co-founder and Curatorial Director)

Contact Person:P Gnana
Phone (Mobile):+65 9003 2851
Office Address:

55 Genting Lane, Level 3, Singapore 349563

Email Address :
General Enquiries :
Office Address :

55 Genting Lane, Level 3, Singapore 349563

Profile :

Founded in early 2003, The Gallery of Gnani Arts has been a local and regional trend-setter within its area of research, curation and collection expertise – South Indian contemporary art by masters and international artists. Apart from curating and marketing its primary collection of art by masters and senior artists, the Gallery continues to launch the careers of a selective number of artists from Singapore (where it is based) and from other parts of the globe. Clients of The Gallery of Gnani Arts include the Singapore Art Museum of the National Heritage Board (Singapore) and numerous corporations and individuals in Europe and Southeast Asia.
In the Tamil language, the word ‘Gnani’, pronounced as ‘Niyani’, refers to one who is enlightened, spiritually or intellectually.

Services :