Tamil is considered by many scholars to be the oldest spoken language in the world and is believed to have its roots in the Indus Valley civilization. The Indus Valley scripts were discovered in 1921 and even after 100 years they still remain an enigma – undeciphered conclusively. In comparison, the Middle Eastern scripts like Egyptian, Sumerian and Akkadian have been deciphered with certainty.
Professor Asko Parpola, who has studied the script for six decades will be giving a zoom talk on this subject, “Dravidian and Indus Valley Script”. Professor Parpola is an Indologist who is currently Professor Emeritus of Indology and South Asian Studies at the University of Helsinki, Finland.
The Centre for Singapore Tamil Culture (CSTC) and the National Library Board are very pleased to bring you the above talk. Rarely have Singaporeans been given a chance to listen to such eminent scholars on Indology. Those who read Prof Parpola’s seminal book Deciphering the Indus Script were highly impressed and he is now an iconic figure in this field. So try not to miss it. As the talk is in English, non-Tamils too will enjoy it. Looking forward to seeing you at the talk! No registration is required.
This is an online Zoom event.
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If you miss this talk, please catch it on https://www.singaporetamil.org/