Sikh youth organisations discuss relevance of AI

Sikh Youth Organizations Host Engaging Discussion on Gen AI
Left to right: Hardeep Arora, Director of AI Engineering, Temus, Sarabjeet Singh, NTU EEE Student and Published AI researcher on ResearchGate, Jovinder Singh, AI Engineer, Proofpoint, and Ravin Singh, Co-founder of Singapore Sikh Professional Network (SSPN)

The Singapore Sikh Professional Network (SSPN), the Young Sikh Association (YSA), and Young Khalsa jointly organised a panel discussion and workshop on Generative AI on 24 February 2024.


The discussion was titled “Gen AI: Is it a myth or reality?”. Keynote speaker Hardeep Arora, alongside panelists Sarabjeet Singh and Jovinder Singh, shared insights on AI’s relevance in various industries and in everyday lives. They touched on technical aspects such as how generative AI uses a transformer model to skim through text, just like how a human would, and how the application has been trained to respond like a human, based on ethical and logical feeds.


This is crucial because the dataset fed into ChatGPT, for example, is vast, and misinformation in the results can be misleading and dangerous if not corrected. They also discussed some limitations of Gen AI and how it needs to use tools incorporated into it to help solve mathematical problems.


Jovinder showcased a web application aimed at providing an understanding an Singapore’s legal statutes. He demonstrated how users can search for a specific law by uploading specific act and typing a prompt based on the use case.


Audiences who were from various sectors, from communications to real estate, had the opportunity to share their concerns, ideas, and questions regarding how Gen AI can be utilized in their professions and daily lives.


The dataset fed into ChatGPT is vast, and misinformation in the results can be misleading and dangerous if not corrected.”


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